Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Immigration Solicitor Kent

Immigration solicitor Kent is a popular search term for many people especially considering the location of the main detention centre located in Dover. The Dover Immigration Removal Centre holds thousands of illegal immigrants.

The removal centre is often the last place many illegal immigrants will inhabit before removal from the UK. With this is mind and the fact that deportation continues to rise, it is easy to see why many people would prefer to instruct an immigration solicitor Kent.

Many solicitors located in other areas of the United Kingdom would not be able to visit a person held in detention at the Dover Removal Centre and this of course is the best way for a person to get assistance with this type of case.

An immigration solicitor Kent would be local and as a result of this, more able and willing to visit a person who is detained. This may then allow the person to hold off removal or put a stop to it altogether.

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